For more than 130 years, Martin Estate’s majestic stone château has graced the Eastern benchland of the Rutherford appellation.

Yet, hidden by ancient valley oaks, its location remains a mystery to most.

Privately owned, the property encompasses twelve acres and is one of the oldest historic estates in the Napa Valley.

130 多年来,马丁庄园雄伟壮观的⽯石头城堡,为卢瑟福(Rutherford)产区的东部阶地带来了荣耀与光辉。


⼀直以外,马丁庄园都由家族私⼈拥有, 占地⾯积⼗〸⼆英亩,是纳帕⾕最古⽼的庄园之⼀。

The Terroir

Martin Estate is located in the center of Napa Valley’s Rutherford Appellation. The Estate vineyard that surrounds the historic Château was planted in 1996 with 17,000 tightly spaced vines of Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, and Merlot. To ensure that only the best suited clones were chosen for the terroir, the proprietors enlisted the help and expertise of neighbor Chuck Wagner of Caymus Vineyards to oversee its development.

It was the first time this site was ever planted with grape vines, offering its superb soil for a first growth vineyard. Meticulously farmed since its inception, year-long attention is lavished on the Estate vineyard by a dedicated in-house team that guided the journey from rootstock to now mature, twenty-five year old vines. The roots of these vines are able to reach deep into the well drained alluvial, gravelly soils, thus requiring little to no irrigation.

Due to the superlative location of the vineyard, blessed with warm days and cool evenings, and paired with the presence of gentle morning fog, nature creates a micro climate ideal for growing grapes of the highest quality. The Martin Family’s ongoing commitment to sustainable viticulture guides their stewardship of the land. NAPA GREEN certified, every harvest delivers exceptional fruit for Martin Estate’s wines that are produced entirely on site.

马丁庄园位于纳帕谷卢瑟福红酒产区的核心地带,总面积约六平方英里。1996年,庄园主在普埃尔塔·多拉达(Puerta Dorada)葡萄园内种植了17,000棵赤霞珠、小维铎和品丽珠葡萄。为了确保能播种最适宜葡萄园内风土的葡萄藤,庄园主聘请邻居查克·瓦格纳(也是佳慕酒庄的所有者及酿酒师),以借助其专业知识来监督葡萄园的发展。这是城堡周围的土地第一次被播种,也给这个初生的葡萄园提供了绝佳的种植土壤。


The Winemaking

The complete winemaking process occurs exclusively at the château, permitting the utmost control and attention to detail. Each grape cluster is handpicked, before being hand-sorted down to the single berry.

Martin Estate Cabernet Sauvignons are led to perfection in the château’s state-of-the-art winery. French cement Nomblot tanks, Le Jeune fermenters, Radoux oak fermentation tanks, and an Italian made basket press used for the gentle extraction of grape juice, line the inside of the cellar.

This custom made European equipment allows talented winemaker Aaron Pott to create wines that reflect the distinct flavors of the site where they were grown. Only French oak barrels from select producers are utilized for the aging of Martin Estate Cabernets, ranging from 18 to 20 months, with the exact length of time dependent on each vintage’s character.

完整的葡萄酒酿造过程全部在城堡中进行,从而能够最大限度地控制和关注细节。每个葡萄簇都经过精心挑选,然后再手工分类到不同浆果品类中。马丁庄园的赤霞珠葡萄酒在酒庄最先进的葡萄酒酿造厂中达到完美状态。法国Nomblot酒罐,Le Jeune发酵桶,Radoux橡木发酵罐以及用于温和提取葡萄汁的意大利篮式压榨机,则整齐的排列在地窖内。

这些在欧洲定制的酿酒设备,帮助才华横溢的酿酒师亚伦·波特(Aaron Pott)酿造出反映产地独特风味的葡萄酒。只有来自精选生产商的法国橡木桶才能用于马丁庄园红酒(Martin Estate Cabernets)的陈酿。陈酿时间从18个月到20个月不等,具体取决于采收期的情况。

The History



The Mexican Government deeds 12,000 acres of Napa Valley land to Captain George C. Yount, known as the Caymus Grant. A small portion of his property will become the site of Martin Estate.


墨西哥政府将12,000英亩的纳帕谷土地转让给乔伊斯·扬(George C. Yount)上尉,这块土地被称为佳慕赠地,其中的一部分即是日后的马丁庄园。


Henry Harrison Harris arrives in the Napa Valley after travelling with his family from Missouri by wagon train.


亨利·哈里森·哈里斯(Henry Harrison Harris)与家人的马车队从密苏里州抵达纳帕谷。


Henry H. Harris purchases over 100 acres from the Estate of George C. Yount for $6,310 Dollars in United States Gold Coin.




Now a well-respected Napa County Sheriff and successful vintner, Henry Harris breaks ground on his eponymous wine cellar in Block B of the original Caymus Land Grant, in the heart of Rutherford, Napa Valley.


17年后,亨利·哈里斯(Henry Harris)已成为纳帕县倍受尊敬的警长和成功的葡萄酒商,他在位于纳帕谷卢瑟福(Rutherford)中心地带的佳慕赠地B区,打造了自己的同名酒窖。


The H. H. Harris Wine Cellar is in full production, yielding an average of 200,000 gallons of wine.




Harris retires and leases his winery to French neighbor Georges de Latour. De Latour hires Harris’ winemaker Henry Stice to custom crush approximately 150,000 gallons of wine for his Beaulieu Vineyard label.


哈里斯光荣退休,并将酒厂租给了他的法国邻居乔治·德拉图尔(Georges de Latour)。德拉图尔聘请哈里斯酒窖的酿酒师亨利·斯蒂斯(Henry Stice)为他的葡萄酒品牌定制了约15万加仑的葡萄酒。


Prohibition marked the end of production for most Napa Valley wineries. In 1941, Douglas Pringle purchases the Harris Wine Cellar. Two years later, he deeds the property to his wife Katharine Cebrian, a well-known San Francisco socialite,  for Ten Dollars cash. The winery is renamed Puerta Dorada and turned into an elegant country château.


禁酒令让大部分纳帕谷酿酒厂结束了红酒生产。 1941年,道格拉斯·普林格(Douglas Pringle)买下了哈里斯酒窖。两年后,他以十美金的价格将酒窖转让给了他的妻子,旧金山社交名媛凯瑟琳·塞布里安(Katharine Cebrian)。此后,酒庄更名为普埃尔塔·多拉达(Puerta Dorada),并成为了一座优雅的乡村城堡。


Wine aficionados Greg and Petra Martin discover the historic Estate. Having visited the Napa Valley for decades, they are enchanted by the property and stately château as the perfect place for their young daughter to grow up. After becoming the new owners and realizing the potential of the untouched prime vineyard land, grape vines are planted and the vineyard is named “Puerta Dorada” with a nod to the past.


在为家人寻找纳帕谷的休闲去处时,旧金山居民和葡萄酒爱好者马丁夫妇(Greg and Petra Martin)发现了这座历史悠久的庄园。尽管夫妇二人都很喜欢这座优雅高贵的城堡,但古董兵器领域公认的专家格雷格·马丁先生(Greg Martin)对酒庄历史的沉淀尤为欣赏。在成为新主人之后,夫妇俩意识到这片尚未开发的土地有着成为优质葡萄园的潜力,于是便种植了葡萄树,并将葡萄园命名为普艾尔塔·多拉达(Puerta Dorada),以纪念其历史。


A small winery dedicated to hand crafting limited production wines of exceptional quality is completed. After 115 years of dormancy, the H.H. Harris Wine Cellar is resurrected as MARTIN ESTATE, proudly bottling its first vintage of Estate grown, produced and bottled Cabernet Sauvignon.


一个致力于手工制作品质上乘且限量生产的葡萄酒庄就这样被建立起来。经过115年的沉睡,哈里斯酒窖被重新命名为马丁庄园(MARTIN ESTATE),并正式为它第一个采收期生产的赤霞珠葡萄酒装瓶。


Martin Estate remains as one of the last privately owned historic stone châteaux in the Napa Valley.  Now under the stewardship of a new generation, Greta officially joined the family business as Managing Partner in 2016.

Greta grew up alongside the vines and shares her parents’ lifelong passion for wine, specifically Cabernet Sauvignon.  Her early introduction to Viticulture, coupled with a B.A. in Entrepreneurship & Communication and a Master’s Degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California, prepared her for the leadership role to continue a 134 year legacy into the future.

